ColorWord Creative, Inc. — Full-Service Marketing Agency; StoryBrand Certified

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(Human) Words Matter

 What we’re doing about AI.

So how does ColorWord Creative plan to use (and not use) AI going forward?

ColorWord will NOT:

  • Give our clients articles, blogs, or other text that is generated by AI.

  • Publish articles, blogs, or other text that is generated by AI on our own platforms.

  • Publish AI-edited text.

  • Use AI-designed images.

ColorWord MIGHT:

  • Use AI to help brainstorm/suggest: headlines, social media posts, outlines, story/blog/article ideas.

  • Use AI as a research tool.

Special thanks to WIRED magazine for this largely-borrowed list.


For now, we’ll continue to create marketing materials that work. We will ask questions, listen to your unique problems, and spark solutions in our very human brains.